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Linux VS Windows Hosting: Which OS Software is Better?

By createregister

When it comes to choosing between Linux shared hosting or Windows shared hosting, you have to know that the two options can work on all PCs and they are able to power impressive websites. The operating system found on your computer should not be the base of the choice you make. The two options have FTP access and they have a wide range of publishing options for webpages. However, each option has its advantages and disadvantages for the people who choose to use it.

It is not easy to make the recommendation that any option is better than the other. The reason for this is that the choice you make will depend on the hosting requirements you have or the project of your website. However, Linux is able to work for over 70 percent of the web servers for the entire world.

The difference between the two options is the operating system that it is used to execute the database and the scripts. This means that Linux and Windows use different databases and script languages. You have to think beforehand if you want to get a special Windows script language. If you do not need the use of MSSQL, VBScript and ASP, then you should consider using Linux. The type of system does not matter since all computers can communicate using Windows and Linux servers.

You need to think about Windows shared hosting if you want to execute conception framework such as Share Points and the NET Framework. In these cases, Windows is better if you wish to add the special Windows application on the website. They can be Microsoft SQL, VisualBasic or NET Script, among others.

Linux shared hosting is considered to be the best when it comes to an operating system for web servers. It is known for its efficiency, stability, and reliability. It has proved itself with the complex web or mail server environment. You should consider it if you want MySQL, Perl and PHP. It is often the operating system of choice because Linux hosting is suited for online stores, forums, content management systems and blogs.

Most people who want to choose a web host may find out that they are confronted with many options for a hosting package. There are some web hosts that give a choice of the package and they use the Linux operating system while others use FreeBSD and others use Windows. Many people get concerned about what type of package to use for their system.

The first thing to know is that just because you are using an operating system and something else, it will not mean that the web host should also be running on the same platform. The system that the web host runs will not have any impact on the system you run. The two are different. People get concerned that when they use a system which is different from the one of their web host, the two systems are not going to work together. This is worrying for nothing since what runs on the websites are different from what runs on the computer. You should not think that it is

About the author
Create Register is a UK based company that provides reliable web hosting solutions with FREE privacy protection, managed DNS, domain forwarding, email forwarding and 24/7 tech support

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